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Hello... I'd like an option to install only one of the included versions of the program (the x32 or the x64), but not both of them on the same system... Thanks !

Hector , 07.01.2011, 08:03
Response from the site administrator
Zoner, 07.01.2011
Hello Hector,

Certain minor program features are only available in the x32 version. Most notable is the Media Archive feature, which relies on 32-bit Microsoft database libraries. Offering the option to not install that version runs the risk of people not reading disclaimers, and then complaining that they can't access 32-bit features. (There are a lot of people who never read disclaimers.) Still, we'll think about it!
Idea status: under consideration


JC, 07.01.2011, 17:34
This does baffle me... why install BOTH x32 and x64 on a PC with x64? and is there a way to remove the x32, other than just deleting the desktop icon?

Installer should detect whether target PC has x64 and install that only.

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